Set in Barcelona, Bird Box Barcelona is a spinoff film expanding on the world of the original Bird Box. It explores the crisis caused by creatures driving people to self-destruction. The story follows Sebastián as he fights for survival in the decimated city. The film delves deeper into the relationship between humans and the creatures, revealing ideological divisions. Sebastián’s actions suggest manipulation, heightening the tension. When he joins a new group, a young girl reminiscent of his lost daughter offers hope and a potential sanctuary. While the film stumbles in its third act and leaves some character development unresolved, it shines through strong performances and a character-centric approach. Bird Box Barcelona aims to rejuvenate the franchise and open doors for future stories. Visit afdah to for more!
Bird Box: Barcelona
| July 14, 2023 (United States)
Director: David Pastor, Àlex PastorWriter: Àlex Pastor, David PastorStars: Mario Casas, Georgina Campbell, Diego Calva
Summary: After an entity of mysterious origin annihilates the world's population causing those who observe it to take their lives, Sebastián and his daughter begin their own great adventure of surviv... Read all
Countries: SpainLanguages: Spanish, English, German