Crater 2023 is a science fiction adventure movie that takes place on a moon of a distant planet in the not-too-distant future. The plot follows a group of teenagers who set out on a mission to explore a mysterious crater on the lunar surface. As they navigate through the challenges of space travel and adolescence, they discover the secrets of the moon’s past and their own potential for bravery. The film is a captivating and touching tale of friendship, exploration, and the search for identity. Visit afdah movies for more!
| May 12, 2023 (United States)
Director: Kyle Patrick AlvarezWriter: John GriffinStars: Isaiah Russell-Bailey, Mckenna Grace, Billy Barratt
Summary: After the death of his father, a boy growing up on a lunar mining colony takes a trip to explore a legendary crater, along with his four best friends, prior to being permanently relocated to... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English