“Cult Killer” enthralls viewers with its gripping Irish thriller narrative, which skillfully navigates themes of abuse, wealth, and the intricacies of the legal system. Headlined by the captivating performances of Alice Eve and Antonio Banderas, the film’s magnetic allure is undeniable. Banderas’ portrayal of Mikael, a character enmeshed in the clandestine world of espionage, adds depth and nuance to the story, while Eve shines as Cassie Holt, driven by an unwavering determination to uncover the truth behind Mikael’s tragic demise. Visit afdah movie for more!
Cult Killer
| January 19, 2024 (United States)
Summary: When a renowned private investigator is murdered, his protege takes on the case. As her investigation unfolds, she is forced into a dangerous alliance with his killer to uncover the town's g... Read all
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English