Insidious: The Red Door marks the conclusion of the Insidious franchise, centering on the Lambert family’s final chapter. Josh and Dalton Lambert, haunted by their past encounters with the supernatural, must confront their inner demons and uncover the truth behind their lost memories. Despite delivering some decent scares and a cohesive narrative, the film falls short in execution and fails to fully explore the characters’ potential. Patrick Wilson makes his feature directorial debut but is limited by a lackluster script. While the horror elements do induce occasional jumps, the overall impact is relatively tame. Simpkins and Wilson deliver solid performances, but their characters lack depth. Insidious: The Red Door serves as a satisfactory conclusion to the franchise, but it ultimately misses the opportunity to deliver something extraordinary. Visit afdah movie for more!
Insidious: The Red Door
| July 7, 2023 (United States)
Director: Patrick WilsonWriter: Leigh Whannell, Scott TeemsStars: Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne
Summary: The Lamberts must go deeper into The Further than ever before to put their demons to rest once and for all.
Countries: Canada, United StatesLanguages: English