In “Heart of Stone,” Gal Gadot stars as Rachel Stone, an agent for the secretive peacekeeping organization, the Charter, in a throwback to action films of the past. The film’s plot unfolds with predictable twists and turns as Stone faces challenges and uncovers a crisis involving a young hacker named Keya. While the action sequences include both distracting CGI moments and engaging hand-to-hand combat, shootouts, and chases, the heavy-handed score attempts to heighten tension. Gadot’s performance is moderately satisfying, but lacks the depth needed to fully captivate, and Jamie Dornan’s portrayal of Parker falls flat. Ultimately, “Heart of Stone” delivers nostalgic, formulaic entertainment, driven by a predictable storyline and unremarkable performances. Visit afdah for more!
Heart of Stone
| August 11, 2023 (United States)
Summary: An intelligence operative for a shadowy global peacekeeping agency races to stop a hacker from stealing its most valuable and dangerous weapon.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English