Available on Amazon Prime, “My Fault” is a Spanish film that blends elements from various movies into a chaotic yet oddly enjoyable viewing experience. The narrative revolves around Noah, an adventurous teenager who finds herself living with her mother’s boyfriend and developing a complex relationship with his son, Nick. Filled with clichés and cringeworthy dialogue, the film awkwardly shifts between teen romance and action-thriller genres, raising eyebrows. While lacking depth in character development and a cohesive plot, “My Fault” still manages to captivate as a guilty pleasure, keeping viewers invested in the unpredictable storyline. It treads the line between entertainment and amusement, making it a unique and flawed choice for those seeking a different cinematic experience. Visit afdah for more!
My Fault
| June 8, 2023 (United States)
Director: Domingo GonzálezWriter: Domingo González, Mercedes RonStars: Nicole Wallace, Gabriel Guevara, Marta Hazas
Summary: Noah has to leave her town, boyfriend and friends behind and move into the mansion of her mother's new rich husband. There she meets Nick, her new stepbrother. They fall madly in love in sec... Read all
Countries: Spain