Brian Duffield’s second directorial effort, “No One Will Save You,” follows his impressive debut in “Spontaneous,” albeit with a different approach. The film introduces us to Brynn, a reclusive woman struggling with anxiety, whose life takes a surreal turn when her home is invaded by unearthly beings. While it doesn’t quite reach the heights of Duffield’s previous work, the movie offers a refreshing take on the alien invasion genre, anchored by Kaitlyn Dever’s exceptional performance.
The film starts strong with effective pacing and tension, immediately engaging the audience. Duffield’s direction creates suspenseful moments that keep you on the edge of your seat. Although the pace falters later on, the film remains solid throughout its brief runtime.
Dever’s portrayal of Brynn showcases her acting prowess in a physically demanding role. The film’s visual effects are impressive, used judiciously. While some creative choices may seem awkward, “No One Will Save You” is a compelling alien invasion thriller that highlights Duffield’s versatility. Visit afdah movies for more!