Double Life exudes the charm of a classic 1980s flick that could have graced the shelves of a neighborhood video store. The narrative revolves around Sharon (Pascale Hutton), who is coming to terms with the recent loss of her husband, Mark (Niall Matter). However, when Mark’s secret lover, Jo (Javicia Leslie), unveils the suspicious nature of his death, an unexpected alliance forms as they embark on a quest for answers. Visit afdah tv for more!
Double Life
| May 5, 2023 (United States)
Director: Martin WoodWriter: Michael Hurst, Chris SivertsonStars: Javicia Leslie, John Cassini, Vincent Gale
Summary: Follows a widow who finds out from her late husband's mistress that his death was not an accident. Both women work together to unmask the truth behind the man they both loved.
Countries: CanadaLanguages: English