Josh Greenbaum’s “Strays” is an R-rated dog comedy that initially stumbles with an opening act that feels like an extended trailer. The humor is hit-or-miss, with some jokes hitting the mark while others miss it entirely. Surprisingly, the film doesn’t shy away from pushing the boundaries of raunchiness, which is refreshing for a mainstream comedy in 2023. Will Ferrell and Jamie Foxx deliver fun voice performances, with Foxx shining in memorable moments. Despite its flaws, “Strays” offers an entertaining experience that gains momentum as it progresses, featuring a heartfelt message beneath its crude humor. A recommended watch, especially for dog enthusiasts. Visit afdah info for more!
| August 18, 2023 (United States)
Summary: An abandoned dog teams up with other strays to get revenge on his former owner.
Countries: United StatesLanguages: English